St. James Lutheran Church and School

Quincy, Illinois

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Welcome to St. James Lutheran Church
Welcome to St. James Lutheran Church


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Learn more about St James Lutheran School
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View St James Lutheran Church Sermons

Welcome to St. James Lutheran Church and School

As we gather in the name of Jesus Christ, we would love to have you join us for worship. Information about St. James Church and St. James Lutheran School can be found by clicking the links above.  You can also find recent sermons and recorded worship services for your devotional use at home.  

We would love to see you in church.  Below you can find some important information about our service times, location, and ways that we can care for your soul.  You can also visit our "I'm new" page for more detailed information.

Philippians 4:7 the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


St. James holds Worship Services at 8:00am and 10:30am every Sunday.   We are the large brick church located at 900 S 17th St., Quincy, IL 62301.

The worship service will also be on the radio at 9:30am on 930 WTAD. In addition, our service will be available on Facebook

The Central Illinois District (of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod) has sent out a list of ways in which you can have access to the proclamation of the Word if you are not able to make it to in-person services. 

  • KFUO radio from St. Louis has all religious programming. Some in our area can get KFUO at AM 950. Others get it by going to It is our synod’s radio station.  From roughly 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. they have Christian music.
  • You can also access the Lutheran Hour at any time by going to

Pastoral and Elder Care

Pastors Rempfer and Riley are always willing to make visits to those who are homebound with illness or disability.  They are also available to meet with anyone who needs prayer and pastoral care.  They make regular visits to our members in local facilities and in their homes.

Please feel free to call the church office to set up a visit or let us know about a pastoral care need.  You can contact the church office at (217) 222-8447 or by emailing

Our Mission

Our mission is "To See Jesus and Cause Him to Be Seen."

We have said we want that mission to be accomplished "in my life, in my home, in our church, in our School, in our community." May God enable us to accomplish that mission as He feeds and cares for us and we care for one another and our community.


President Harrison said it well, "Now is the time to be generous". That is true both to support the proclamation of the Gospel and to care for others. Your regular offerings and other gifts may be mailed to the church, dropped off at the church office, or placed in the offering plate at worship services.  We continue to encourage your consideration of the Joyful Response electronic contribution program.  Contact the church office regarding Joyful Response

God’s Peace be with you,

Keith Klusmeyer, Congregational Chairman

Clinton Stiefel, Chairman of the Board of Elders

Rev. Matt Riley, Pastor



